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Commentary from the Rule of Law Institute

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia is one of the only organisations in Australia that advocates for discussion of current issues and acts as an independent check on health of the rule of law in Australia.  The Institute actively comments on laws which affect the presumption of innocence, freedom of speech and the press, as well as dealing with technical aspects of legislation such as retrospectivity, separation of powers and equality before the law.


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About Us

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia is an independent, politically non-partisan, not-for-profit body formed to uphold the rule of law in Australia. The Institute aims to promote discussion on the importance of the principles which underpin the rule of law.

Model Litigant Rules

A level playing field in litigation between the government and the individual.

Access to Justice

The rule of law can only work when there is access to justice.


Checks and Balances

Accountability and transparency

Free Speech and Media

To be able to speak out about the way the law is administered without fear.


Common Law Rights

Presumption of innocence, procedural fairness, protected by an independent judiciary.


The Rule of Law Institute of Australia works with its sister organisation, The Rule of Law Education Centre. The Education Centre works with teachers and students to educate and inform school students about how the Magna Carta and subsequent rule of law principles have impacted and contributed to the history, culture and legal processes of Australia and to strengthen the rule of law and human rights through education. To learn more, go to