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Support our advocacy for the Rule of Law in Australia

The rule of law is about protecting our rights and freedoms. It is a system of government that values individuals and the protection of our way of life from those in power.

We’d like to ask you to consider becoming a member of our organisation to assist us in our efforts going forward in generating positive change for the people of Australia.

We need your support! We found in our lobbying efforts we need to speak on behalf of Australians and that membership is increasingly becoming a parameter used by parliamentary committees and members of parliament to determine the support for an organisation’s claims.  Check out our list submissions can be found here as well as those of our sister organisation, the Rule of Law Education Centre here.

It is not intended that the membership should carry the right to vote nor the right to receive notice of meetings nor place on you any financial obligation. It is intended to be a simple means of communication between us.

There is no cost to members and names of members will not be disclosed.

Support the Education Programs

Also consider supporting the Education programs run by our sister organisation, The Rule of Law Education Centre.

The best check on government power and stopping government overreach is an educated and active community. The everyday, law abiding citizens who make sure they and their fellow Australians are provided with justice by protecting the key foundations of our democracy such as freedom of the press, an independent judiciary and equality before the law. This can best be done by groups that are separate to the government (and the whims of their funding) and focused on students.

The Rule of Law Education Centre successfully delivers education programs, resources, excursions and teacher training to schools throughout Australia. For more information of their Education Programs click here.

It is a gift deductible recipient so you can claim a tax deduction for donations over $2. Please click here or go to

Number of Members who have joined since February 2022

Become a Member

Fill in the below details to become a Member of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia.

Thank you for signing up as a member to the Rule of Law Institute of Australia. If you have any queries regarding your membership, please do not hesitate to email us at